The Rooster Who Went to His Uncle's Wedding

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The Rooster Who Went to His Uncle's Wedding


The letter reads: "Dear Alma Flor Ada, the book you made of 'The Rooster Who Went to His Uncle's Wedding,' the pictures are real nice and we're having a play about it and were looking at the pictures and we have to draw three pictures that are in the book and the story is real nice too. I wish I could make a story as good as yours, but maybe some day I can write a book as good as yours some day. I know you won't be able to come but you can still see it because we are going to tape it on a video camera and the rooster is real nice. I like it when the rooster said, 'to peck or not to peck'. He didn't want his beak to get dirty because he was going to his uncle's wedding and he didn't want his beak dirty so he asked the grass if he could wipe the mud off his beak, but the just said, 'No, why should I?' but he went to his uncle's wedding with a clean beak and he got to see his uncle get married. From, Tara."